Friday, January 3, 2025

No Spend Challenge - Days 1, 2 and 3

Time has never gone so slow. 
Things have never looked so boring.
Cravings have never been stronger. 

Days 1 through 3 of the no spend challenge are almost over....and so is my life as I knew it. 

Honestly this is way harder that I thought it would be.  I mean, I am always trying to improve my spiritual and physical health (with very little success), so what about financial health?  I never really focus on that like I should, either!  

I think the main thing to remember is these are DAUNTING topics.  They are so packed with emotion, frustration, satisfaction or dissatisfaction, comfort or lack of comfort. They are so loaded with childhood traumas, memories, personality differences in our family members, different philosophies about these things.  I mean, have you ever told anyone you were doing Keto?  Did they respond with 40 reasons why they are NOT doing Keto and what works for THEM???

Justification for actions, making excuses, rewarding myself, feeding addictions are just a few of my many talents.  What are yours?  :)  I can't be alone here, people.  

All I can say is this no spend challenge is harder than I thought it would be.  Oh, did I already say that above?  
YES! I guess that IS all I can say.  Self denial is not my strong suit, it never has been.  I'm ready to get a handle on that now, though.  

I have been working full time as a teacher for the past 5 years.  As a result of that,  I have spent more money.....because I made more money.  I really believe that is what we tend to do.  We spend more when we make more.  

A few weeks ago, I looked at all of our streaming services and how we could cut back there.  I also informed my family that we would start the no spend challenge in January and to mentally prepare themselves.  

Here are some of my thoughts from my Instagram Stories about Days 1, 2 and 3...  

Are you ok?  You can't unsee those videos, you know!  My head is really pounding, I have no idea why!  I guess it is stress or detoxing or something?!  It's only January 3rd, what will become of me! I guess if you keep checking back, you'll find out....

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