Friday, December 12, 2014

Some Pinkie Day Christmas Cheer

Before I get to the post, a few announcements and housekeeping items:

  • I am officially one blog!  My friend,  Karla (check out her exciting blog here!) has combined my Pinkie Day blog with From Teacher to Mom blog.  Now everything is in one place.  I am still under construction but look for an announcement soon!
  • For the story of Pinkie Day, click here.  Pinkie Day is a weekly feature on my blog about Daddy coming home.  My children are trying to find Pinkie Day Pals, who are children who also have a parent living and working away from home.  So please share and share away!  We want others families to benefit from using the Pinkie Day concept.
  • You can now connect with me (From Teacher to Mom) on Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram
  • My most recent post has had more hits than I have EVER had on a blog post.  Excited for the future! 
  • Can't forget to update you on my nightmare plantar fasciitis that I so vividly described in my amazing Elf vs. the Sacrifice Manger post...  I got a second cortisone shot today and RELIEF!!!  Thankfully, blogging is just what the doctor ordered since I have to rest my foot anyway.  A description follows of what it is like to get a cortisone shot directly into your heel...The pain was so bad it was gooood.  

And now for some Pinkie Day Christmas cheer...  Daddy is coming home today and we are happy he finally gets to see Christmas decorations in our home.  He hasn't been home since Thanksgiving.  So I thought I would share a few scenes of what he will come home to today, as well as two videos of the children explaining our fun weekend ahead!  

NOTE:  As you scroll through these delightful scenes of holiday homemaking, hum the tune to "I'll be home for Christmas" (in your head or aloud) while making hot chocolate, eating Christmas cookies and wearing your favorite holiday sweater.  You will find this post to be much more enjoyable and festive that way. I can only do so much on my own.

Our dining room is in the sunroom this year and I love how it turns out.  (We turned our dining room into a guest bedroom and love that, too!)

Love the "John" train in the picture above because it is from family in Vermont. John LOVES playing with that little train.  The teddy bear is from a dear elderly neighbor who passed away several years ago.  I love getting that bear out every year and remembering him fondly.

Our Jesse Tree is great! First time doing a Jesse Tree with the children. Notice the glass ornaments.  We made those with crayons and a hair dryer! And the nativity is so special to me because that is the nativity set that was in our house every year while I was growing up.  

The view of our sunroom on a sunny day.  Can't wait to light our tree Sunday.  
And there is Mr. Emmett in the sunroom looking under the tree.  He has already made presents for each one of us and put them under the tree.  So sweet.

Emmett and Carmen present their "Pinkie Day Pal" Videos

We had to do several takes because John kept getting out of bed and sneaking downstairs because he was wired from all the mini donuts he ate when I wasn't looking.

However you celebrate this time of year, we hope you have time together as a family.  We hope you have plenty of time to make memories together and to be healthy and happy together. 

And may you never leave your Hostess powdered mini donuts within arms reach of your 2 year old on a busy day.  Yes, that is what happened here today, people.  That happened here, and I am not proud of it. 

Last, but not least, we can't forget the wise men. They are coming from afar, so they are in the dining room/sunroom, traveling.

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