Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tuesday Update- I know a couple things now! (Part 3)

 My doctor's office called me.  

You know how we can be waiting and waiting for something and get all worked up and then keep waiting only to get a phone call that you are probably ok and that you need to repeat the same exact tests you just had in 2 weeks?  Oh that got specific.  So yeah that is today for me.

I am grateful for non emergencies.  I am grateful that I have insurance. I am grateful that I am able to deal with all this while NOT having the stressors of teaching middle school every day to 85 students.  I am grateful for my family and friends, especially my husband and children.  

The update is that my doctor explained that she foresees me needing to get a gynecologist at UVA to go over the data.  Up til now I am seeing my general family doctor.  If you can recommend a GYN at UVA, please leave a comment below. 

Also, my bloodwork looked promising.  They are not too worried about tumors and masses.  

However, my doctor ordered the same 2 ultrasounds that I had last Friday again in 2 weeks.  

The reason is that it was hard to measure the size of the endothelium while I am actively bleeding so they want to check it again in 2 weeks or at least when the bleeding stops, but oh my gosh! The bleeding is not stopping.  So we'll see. Maybe it will stop! But I have been bleeding every day for almost a month now. 

I imagine I will end up with a D&C or ablation to try to stop the bleeding.  The words, oh my gosh the strange words! I never would have guessed that I would be asking for prayers to stop my vagina from bleeding so I can have a successful transvaginal and abdominal ultrasound in order to measure the thickness of my endothelium of my uterus.  

Here's a traumatizing memory....I am standing in my dining room with my sister and our mother is right in front of us talking about private parts.  ALL I REMEMBER is her saying to us, "It's ok to say the words. They are not dirty words. It is ok to say the words."  Well, I did not receive that message well, apparently, because it has taken me over 40 years just to say the words.....and .......  Oops, I thought I had made more progress than that. 

Well, if I was still teaching in public school, those "Stop the Bleed" kids would take on a whole new meaning for me. Some of you may be able to picture this....I can see myself oversharing with my 6th graders...Guys, you know those stop the bleed kits at the end of the hall hanging on the wall?  Those are for your teacher who are over 50 and having a rocky start to menopause.  You know, the teachers whose blood is coming from their vaginas that they just can't explain. Oh they also help with gunshot wounds if you were in a school shooting.  But yeah, unexplained vaginal bleeding, too.  Any questions?  Ok here's a worksheet! No CAP!

I had actually inserted every gen alpha slang term in that paragraph above, but then I deleted the middle school slang words because I did not want to scar you for life. 

So thank you for stopping by.  No spend challenge continues!  I was planning on only blogging about that this month, but alas, my uterus wasn't getting enough attention!  Who knew.

In the meantime, I will continue to live life normally the best I can with this thick endothelium and bleeding on my mind.  

Enjoy my little soup video.  WOW, I didn't know this was how the other half lived.  I mean, choosing food in your house that you already have in order to make a delicious soup that is healthy?  What! I secretly desire that when I open my cabinet, chicken strips, fries and a diet coke will be sitting there. 

Thank you again for being a part of my story and for sharing yours with me! Again, I received so many kinds messages last night and today from women and men who appreciate me sharing and who have experiences of their own that they now feel much better about sharing.  

(Orignial post on this topic if you are just arriving)

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