Sunday, January 3, 2016

NEW IDEA for Reading of the Memories!

AW John!  He loves reading the memories too.  What he does is listen to each person go read theirs, then he incorporates it into the one he "reads".  So cute!

Happy New Year 2016!!!  So excited for this year.  2015 was NOT my year.  Just not.  NOT.  I can go into the many reasons why, but WHY do that?  It's over.  A lot of good came from 2015, too.  So I will focus on that.  First of all, we met those two girls on the left in the picture below.  Life does not come without struggle and pain, my friend.  It just does not.  Our family grew this year, and we are blessed.  That is what matters.  Well, I am sad Pilar, our other teenager was not with us this year for the reading of the memories.  She was in Charlottesville working hard and becoming independent...

After each person read a memory, he/she was able to eat some M&Ms.  Ger it?  M is for Memory? Before you become jealous at my amazing creativity, it was  not planned and totally random.  I made it up at the last minute.  :)

Our pile of memories as we went through them.

Daddy reading a memory.  

The girls reading a memory.  Carmen and her faces!

And here is my new idea for the family memories for 2016...

Yes, it is a journal for a loving couple, BUT I re-purposed it to be a journal for our family memories.  So there are 2 hearts, but we added 6 more, one for each child.   

 As you can tell from the thumbs up in the picture above, at least one family member is pleased.  Can you guess who?  Most of the family just laughed at me, but once they stopped laughing and listened to my idea, they saw how the book transformed to include our whole family.  They especially like the stickers and pens.  If they write a memory on the page, they can choose what pen to use and add their own stickers. 
This is the inside cover.  I covered the word, "couple" and wrote, "family".  And we all wrote our names, even John.  Oh, and Desiree helped and she added the word "Family" as well, up at the top of the page. 

I like how it turned out!  Carmen and Maggie already each wrote a memory.  Carmen's memory was, January 1, 2016, "We read memories!"  So we are off to a good start, I think.  Well, except Maggie's memory was that she had pink eye.  
So we are off to a good start emotionally, but not physically!  We have had every sickness in our house in the past two weeks.  

Praying for a safe and healthy new year for all!  

Now to end this post because I have the worst sinus headache of my life (cue the violins).  

May all your memories be good this year!  And if you have bad ones, may you know where to store them and how to push through every day in order to make a difference and come out on top!

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