Sunday, October 12, 2014

To Blog or Not to Blog...

Wow! My last post was September 2, the first day of school.  I'm tired.  I have not been blogging because my foster daughter has been using my computer every night for her online class.  Well, the class ended a couple of weeks ago, and I could have blogged during the day, but it is an excuse, anyway!

Seriously, I am still not sure about the whole blogging concept.  That is part of the reason for not blogging as much.  I am so happy to have these posts for the children when they grow up.  However, I am not sure of the total loss of privacy in blogging.  There are lots of pros and cons.

School has been going amazingly well.  My idea of giving my children me and only me during our school time has been very successful.  They continue to call me "Mrs. Petty" off and on.  It is adorable.  I LOVE our Classically Catholic memory work that we are doing this year.  Emmett and Carmen are really thriving and training their brains!  John makes letters out of playdough molds and playdough and he loves it.  And of course, he plays with the GeoTrax.  Train, train! Train!!

Here is Carmen the night of her first official ballet lesson at Valley Dance Theatre.  She LOVES her class.  She LOVES ballet.  I wonder if she always will.

Emmett has been in TN with his grandfather and step grandmother for the the past 2 weeks.

I am not that excited for him to come home.  Well, maybe these pictures will speak otherwise...

We have missed Emmett in a terrible way.  I have tried to enjoy the break as my friends suggest, and I did a little bit, but my goodness, two weeks was a long time.  Emmett did great.  He went on tons of adventures.  He was homesick but dealt with it well.  I can't wait to talk to him in person about it and get the play by play.  

Here are a a few videos to show you what Carmen and John have been doing for the last two weeks...

Hip Hop Dance and a kick in the head...

Wake up and sleep song...a Carmen original

Best on by far... PUMP IT!!

John has been Carmen's little back up dancer.  Also, Carmen dances and pretends John is her student and he copies everything she does.  Hysterical.

George is home all this coming week and his birthday is tomorrow.  

Here are some pictures of his cake that I made tonight.  Notice the Columbus Day theme. :)  The cannon balls are Sixlets candy that "glued" on with frosting.  I was excited that I thought of that. 

The children are growing and changing every second of the day.  Trying to capture it all stresses me out and I have to sometimes step back and just take it in.  Documenting every moment  won't even capture the real essence of being there in person, anyway.  Breathing in every miraculous and adorable thing that they do is what matters.  Being here with them in person captures every memory in a special place in my soul...a place no camera can ever go.  That place is so rich with memories.  I hope you have a place in your soul like that.  It is where the real beauty lies!  

A blog post just barely scratches the surface. 

Until next time, whenever that is...because I just may not have my camera on me...  

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