Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Back to School for me...AGAIN..ugh Part 2

Back to School Part 1

Hello.  So the thing is, I thought I only had to take ONE class in order to renew my teaching license.  Back in May, I filed the paperwork, paid the fee and sent the application for my new license with a huge sense of relief.  Well, much to my shock and dismay and stupidity, I received a letter back stating that I am supposed to have TWO classes in order to renew my license.  sigh 

See.  Like I am so totally busy being a home educating mother with a husband who works away from home who is a foster parent and tutor and who doesn't care about run on sentences because this is not my class that I like totally didn't even read the fine print in the teacher renewal license manual to realize that 180 renewal points means TWO classes.

So here I sit again, on the second day of my 6 week online class, blogging instead of doing my work for class.  I am taking classes toward administration.  I think how I decided to do administration is that someone pinned me down and held my face to a road kill skunk on the highway and said I couldn't get up until I said I would take classes in administration.

The class I took in January (blog link above) was called School Law for Educators.  Oh my gosh, now the second class, the one I am taking now, is called School Finance for Educators.  STOP IT!!  Stop laughing.  I know you are laughing as you read this and I am not even trying to be funny.  That is really the name of the class.  It has the word FINANCE in it.  My final project is about writing a budget for an entire school system.  I'm not saying any more about that.  I think I would rather put my face back in the skunk.

I reread my post from January (link above) and it was pretty funny.  So I thought I would update you on my continuing education situation. 

I hope you enjoyed this little public service announcement from my little spec on the Internet. 

HAVE A NICE DAY and thanks for stopping by!!!

This is how I feel about my class. 

This is how I will feel in late October when my class is over. 

This is also how I feel about my class.  My class is Kylo Ren and it is killing me with the new light saber from the new Star Wars movie coming out soon.

This is me doing the "stanky leg".  That purple chair next to my boot used to be standing up but because I was so good at doing the stanky leg, I kicked it over. 

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